Many factors go into determining when is picking blueberry season. The most important factor is the variety of blueberry bushes. Early, mid, and late season varieties produce berries at different times. Then there are also wild and cultivated blueberries.
Cultivated berries are ready to harvest earlier than wild berries. However, the time of year also plays a role. The blueberry season generally starts in early July and lasts until late August.

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When Is Picking Blueberry Season
However, the exact timing can vary depending on the region. For example, blueberries are usually ripe in New England and ready for picking by the Fourth of July. But on the West Coast, they may not be ready until mid-to-late August.
Blueberries are being grown in more and more different States across the United States and worldwide. They are "hardy bush" and can tolerate a good range of temperatures and climates due to the many different cultivars available.
The summer months are the harvest season for blueberries, which grows very well throughout the United States. Harvest time for blueberries is from March to September, depending on your state. Florida has the earliest harvest beginning in late March, and Maine and Idaho have the latest harvest ending in late September.
Since there are also many different varieties of Blueberries that have different harvest times, you can have fresh blueberries by growing a few different cultivars throughout most of the year.
Most Popular Varieties
- Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium),
- Rabbiteye Blueberry (Vaccinium ashei),
- Southern Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)
- Northern Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum).
Blueberry bushes are classified as either lowbush or highbush. Lowbush blueberries are native to North America and have small berries that grow close to the ground. Highbush blueberries were introduced from Europe and have larger berries that grow on taller bushes. Within these two categories, there are three types of blueberry bushes – early season, mid-season, and late-season – that produce berries at different times throughout the year. Early-season varieties are typically ready to harvest in early July while late-season varieties don’t ripen until August.
If you're planning on going blueberry picking, call your local farm ahead of time to find out when their berries will be ripe and ready for harvest.
Blueberry plants are hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 9 and are relatively easy to grow. They prefer well-drained, acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5 but will tolerate a range of soils from sandy loam to clay.
When Are Blueberries Ripe?
Blueberries are harvested in late June and early August. They are a perennial crop, meaning they can live for more than two years and will produce fruit every year once they become established.

Blueberry bushes need to be pruned every year to produce the best fruit. There are two types of blueberry bush varieties: highbush and lowbush.
- Highbush blueberry bushes take longer to produce fruit but produce more berries.
- Lowbush blueberries are ready for picking sooner but don't produce as many berries.
Ripe blueberries are firm and have a deep blue color. Unripe berries are green or red. To test if blueberries are ripe, gently squeeze the berry. If it pops open, it's ripe. If it doesn't give at all, it's unripe.
When harvesting blueberries, only pick the ripe berries. The unripe berries will not ripen after being picked. You can tell when blueberries are ready for picking because they will be a deep blue color and firm to the touch.
How To Harvest Blueberries?

Blueberries can be harvested by hand or with a machine. If harvesting by hand, simply pinch the berry between your thumb and forefinger and pull it off the stem. If harvesting with a machine, there are many different types available. Choose the type that will work best for your needs.
What Is The Best Month For Blueberries?

The best month for blueberries is July. This is because the weather is warm, and the berries are ripe. If you're unsure, you can call your local blueberry farm.
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