This is the honest truth here folks, all done by the math and the numbers. The trick is really on us when shopping at the grocery store. The cost associated with buying a whole chicken versus an already pre-cut-up chicken is very large indeed.
So large, with some pieces, the additional cost is 60% more... I have a solution that is guaranteed to work and will help you begin saving money. All at no cost to you. ?
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Culinary Quiz: Name the known hidden piece on the whole chicken. ? Most people don't know that it even exists. I'll give you a hint: "_-_-_-_-_-_ Cracker" <six letters> then Cracker. Answer on the next line below ↩️
Answer: The Oyster (Explained in the post below)
How To Save Money At The Grocery Store
Learn to cut up your own chicken. The amount of saving year over year is a large number for a family of 4. Explore the cost of each piece of chicken. There is a clear winner and loser in the way of cost and which to choose to save money.
Important Note: I will be weighing each, 1 chicken breast, 1 leg, 1 thigh, 1 wing, 1 tenderloin, 1 chicken oyster. Then compare prices per pound for the whole chicken verse the pre-cut chicken pieces.
We have two important numbers -
- The cost per pound of a Whole Chicken ✅
- The cost of each "Pre-Cut piece", legs, breasts, thighs, wings, etc. per pound ✅
Culinary Measurements
One 1 Pound equals 16 ounces oz. | < / > | 8 ounces oz equals one 1 cup. Try to remember.
At any time, if you would like to check the numbers include below, here is the web link to the generator I used to compile the numbers ⬇️
Video Explanation
Whole Chicken Cost
The Whole Chicken equals $1.07 per pound - which means every single piece costs $1.07 per pound regardless of which piece of chicken. Not varying in price from piece to piece (breast, leg, thigh, wing pre-cut / prepackaged). That's the value of the whole chicken...What are the savings?
Chicken Breast
Pre-Cut? Chicken Breasts - Cost: $1.89 per pound
Does that sound good?
Are you sure about that?
What if we could get it down to $1.07 a pound, saving $0.82 per pound when buying chicken breasts.
Process: I cut up one whole chicken, then weighed each piece = first the chicken breast weighs in @ 11.4 OZ
Learn to cut up a Whole Chicken Yourself? - Demo Video
THE MATH: Chicken Breast (11.4 ounces (divided) / 16 ounces ? = 71.25% percent of one pound.
So the chicken breast weighs around ¾ of a pound.
The percentage number (71%) is our multiplier against the price per pound. In this case, the price for Pre-Cut chicken breast is $1.89 a pound.
THE MATH: (chicken breast pre-cut price per pound = $1.89 0.71(multiplier) X 1.89 = Cost = $1.33
Whole Chicken SELF-Cut Breast - This is the same breast as used in the weighed numbers above. Which is the only way to get honest numbers.
THE MATH: 0.71(multiplier) X ( $1.07 costs per pound - whole chicken) ( 0.71(multiplier) X 1.07 = $0.75 )
Chicken Legs
Whole Chicken MATH:
? 0.31(multiplier) X ( $1.07 costs per pound – whole chicken) = $0.34)
Pre-Cut Chicken MATH:
? 0.31(multiplier) X (chicken breast pre-cut price per pound ($1.79) Cost = $0.57
Where You See The RED Arrow is the Prices Per Pound - Cut Up Chicken
Chicken Wings
Whole Chicken MATH:
? . 25(multiplier) X ( $1.07 costs per pound – whole chicken) Cost = $0.26
Pre-Cut Chicken MATH:
? .25(multiplier) X (chicken breast pre-cut = $2.59 Cost = $0.62
Where You See The RED Arrow is the Prices Per Pound - Cut Up Chicken
Chicken Thighs
Whole Chicken MATH:
? 0.42(multiplier) X ( $1.07 costs per pound – whole chicken) Cost = $0.45
Pre-Cut Chicken MATH:
? 0.42(multiplier) X (chicken breast pre-cut = $1.99 Cost = $0.84
Where You See The RED Arrow is the Prices Per Pound - Cut Up Chicken
Chicken Tenderloins
Whole Chicken MATH:
? 0.13(multiplier) X ( $1.07 costs per pound – whole chicken) Cost = $0.14
Pre-Cut Chicken MATH:
? 0.13(multiplier) X (chicken breast Pre-Cut) = $3.79 Cost = $0.49
Where You See The RED Arrow is the Prices Per Pound - Cut Up Chicken
The Chicken Oyster
Position of the oysters in a chicken
Chicken Oysters
Oysters are two small, round pieces of dark meat on the back of poultry near the thigh, in the hollow on the dorsal side of the ilium bone. Some regard the "oyster meat" to be the most flavorful and tender part of the bird, while others dislike the taste and texture.
Compared to dark meat found in other parts of the bird, the oyster meat has a somewhat firm/taut texture which gives it a distinct mouthfeel. It is also customary for the cook to be given first preference to the oyster meat.
In French, this part of the bird is called sot-l'y-laisse, which translates, roughly to "the fool leaves it there", as unskilled carvers sometimes accidentally leave it on the skeleton.
Chicken Oyster Location - Found on the bottom side of the chicken spine
You can feel them with your fingers. They will be plump with a nice soft touch. Make a cut on both sides and use the knife to free the chicken oyster. #chefstreat
If a chicken costs $7 and you purchase one chicken a week for a year = it equals $364 annually
Pre Cut Up Chicken - All 8 pieces = 50% more expensive purchase = equals $ 728 annually
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